Check list of to-dos to prepare for 24th
(not comprehensive yet)
1. Have you read through your LNCI Rally info. packet and become familiar with LNCI FAQ, Ohiolnci FAQ, The LNCI—Call to Action Rally who, what, etc. AND elevator speech, etc.?
2. Have you solidified your invite list and sent to Alice w/ contact info.?
3. Have you invited your Mayor(s) to your Rally and to sign the Proclamation? See Mayor invite and proclamation included in this packet.
4. Have you sent the Rally invite with a personal email to all of your invites? Have you followed up with a call or an email?
5. Have you solidified the place for your event, emcee, tech contact?
6. Do you have all of the technology you’ll need for event + are you ready for Sept. 17th practice for the Rally?
7. Are creating a buzz for your event by making phone calls, telling everyone you talk with, etc.
8. Once you receive the PDFs for the LNCI trifold, bookmark and poster…have you printed these off and are they ready to hand out on the 24th and/or display around your city/town?
9. Have you made an banner to display behind the podium at your event?