For Your Health Ohio/Ohio Physical Activity Plan
Ohio Obesity Prevention Plan
Healthy Choices for Healthy Children Bill
Walk with a Doc program
Buckeye Best Child Care pilot project in Cincinnati
Head Start, Body Start (federal program being used in Ohio)
Healthy Ohio includes anti-overweight initiatives for kids and adults
Built Environment
Safe Routes to Schools
Complete Streets (Columbus and Cincinnati and Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission implementing)
Community Gardens
Green and Healthy Schools
Community/Neighborhood Design Standards
Natural Playscapes
Wild School Sites Certified Backyard Habitats
Ohio School Facilities Commission is encouraging green building and sustainability features in new construction.
Sustainable Clintonville, Sustainable Worthington, etc.
City of Cincinnati/Recycling: off-road bike trails, pocket park community gardens
Ohio School Facilities Commission – green building features in new school construction, outdoor gardens and learning areas
USDA/Natural Resource Conservation Service/Heart of Ohio RC&D Lancaster Sensory Trail just dedicated at Fairfield developmental disability school
Fishing Derbies, partnerships with community groups like the Little Cities of the Forest, bird observation blind and Flying WILD teacher workshop
Ohio Environmental Literacy Plan
Project Learning Tree, Project Wet and Project Wild
School gardens
Fifth Quarter Program (Cincinnati)
Nurturing Nature early ed program
Ohio Environmental Education Fund
CDC Coordinated School Health grant project “Improving Health and Education Outcomes of Young People
Passport Programs in Cuyahoga Valley National Park
Columbus MetroParks: partnership with Columbus City Schools to get 70% of all 5th graders outside into the parks
Healthy Water, Healthy People (Ohio EPA high school curriculum)
Parks, Camps, Nature Centers, etc.
Explore the Outdoors (ODNR + all parks)
Windows On Waste ODNR Recycling and Waste Reduction
“Because of Camp” American Camp Association campaign
Natural Play Areas US Play Coalition Guidelines (In development)
Columbus and Franklin County Metro Parks Natural Play Areas
“Be Out There” (National Wildlife Federation campaign)
“Where the Other You Lives” (US Forest Service campaign)
Envirothon(ODNR is contact point)
Ohio Outdoors-Woman (ODNR)
Hunter safety classes(ODNR)
Boating Safety
Paddlefest in Cincinnati