New LNCI 2015 Calendar! Year of Light!

NW Ohio Leave No Child Inside, again, is featuring a new LNCI monthly calendar for 2015
promoting Happier! Healthier! Smarter!  monthly themes, weekly priorities, and daily events that specifically zero in on celebrating Nature in the Out-of-doors, a Healthy Life Style, Family activities ‘n Fun for Children. This year the over-all theme is The International Year of Light, proclaimed by the United Nations.

Calendar Download Here

Creator ‘n Contact, me, Sandy Gratop at

What a tremendous theme! Light! The focus “of light science and its applications, recognizes the importance of raising global awareness about how light-based technologies promote sustainable light development and provide solutions to global challenges in energy, education, agriculture & health.
Light plays a vital role in our daily lives, has revolutionized medicine, opened up international communication through the internet, and is still central to linking cultural, economic and political aspects around the world.